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East Anglian Railway Museum
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N7 Crown Stay Donation 50

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If you are a UK taxpayer you can GiftAid your donation. This enables us to reclaim tax on the amount (25p in every 1 donation) from the government and will contribute further vital funds towards our conservation and museum work. Thank You.

N7 Crown Stay Donation 50

Price: £50.00

Giftaid Price: £50.00

£50 N7 Crown Stay

Price: £0.00

Giftaid Price: £0.00

A small donation goes a long way

Gift Aid Admissions - In purchasing a voucher as advertised above you are making a donation of at least 25% on top of your entry fee to East Anglian Railway Museum
(a registered society with charitable status).
This means East Anglian Railway Museum gets at least 25p extra for every £1 you spend at no extra cost to you
By generously choosing to Gift-aid your entry fee today, your entire ticket price can be treated as a donation and East Anglian Railway Museum will be able to reclaim 25% from HM Revenue and Customs. You are confirming that you will pay sufficient UK income/capital gains tax to cover this and all other gift-aided donations made in this tax year. If you choose to make an additional donation on top of your entry fee, this will also be treated as Gift-Aided and East Anglian Railway Museum will be able to claim the extra 25%